Burning Permits
Burning Permits in Minnesota
How to Get a Burning Permit for Brockway Township
(as of January 2020)
Burning permits are managed by that State of MN Department of Natural Resources (DNR). This process is covered under Minnesota Statutes 88.16 amd 88.17. A burning permit grants the individual holder the right to burn small amounts of dry leaves, plant clippings, brush, and clean untreated-unpainted wood as long as weather conditions do not pose a fire hazard.
You need an open burning permit when:
When the fire is more than 3 feet high and 3 feet in diameter.
When the ground is not completely covered by a minimum of 3 inches of snow.
When the fire is not contained in either an approved burner or in a cooking or heating device such as charcoal grill or camp stove.
Where county or other local jurisdiction requires a burning permit year round or for all sizes of fires.
Please see more details at: www.dnr.state.mn.us
There are several ways to get a permit:
1. In person at any DNR Forestry Office. The closet office for Brockway is: 16543 Haven Rd Little Falls, MN 56345. You can call Jason Kern at 320-232-1074 for details.
2. From one of Brockway Township Fire Warrens:
Alphonse and Shirley Skwira 320-253-1489
AJ Vouk 320-253-1787
Ray Trobec (Trobec’s Bar) 320-251-0946
Frank Vouk 320-255-7033
3. Purchase on-line for $5 at the DNR web site.
Website directions:
Go to: www.dnr.state.mn.us
Click on Licenses, permits and Regulations
Click on permits
Click on Burning permits
Follow directions from there.
NOTE: Fire Wardens and the online system can only issue standard burning permits. The standard burning permit is from 6PM burning to 8AM (or 5PM during non-daylight savings time), for piled vegetative materials less than 20x20ft in diameter or a running fire less than 1 acre in size. These permits must be called in daily using the phone number listed on the permit. If a person wishes to burn outside of those times, or larger piles or acres, they must request a variance from Forestry. Variances can be issued for economic hardships, or true agricultural practices. Convenience is not a reason for a variance permit. Also, in Spring or other very dry conditions, we will issue burning restrictions. These restrictions mean that standard burning permits are not allowed, and only variances will be allowed.